Tariff 2025

Touring and tents tariff

At a glance prices per night for each our holiday parks.
Pitch price includes 2 people. If applicable, awnings and services are also included in the pitch prices quoted.

For detailed individual park information, visit the park website by clicking the park name at the top of each column.


2025 dates are inclusive, deposit required at time of booking (Full payment in high season)
Low season: 01/03 - 10/04, 03/11 - 18/12 

Mid season: 28/04 - 30/04, 12/05-21/05,01/06 - 17/07, 01/09 - 02/11 

High season: 11/04 - 27/04, 01/05 - 11/05, 22/05 - 31/05, 18/07 - 31/08, 19/12 - 01/01

High season may have a minimum stay restriction, please ring if your preferred dates are not showing as available.

Fully Serviced - 2025: 
Price per pitch, per night
Arrow BankPearl LakeRockbridge
Low season£32.00£32.00£32.00
Mid season£37.00£37.00£37.00
High season£43.00£43.00£43.00


FIND YOUR HOLIDAY Arrow Bank Pearl Lake Rockbridge


Serviced pitch (ehu) - 2025:
Price per pitch, per night
Arrow BankPearl LakeRockbridge
Low season£28.00n/a£28.00
Mid season£33.00n/a£33.00
High season£38.00n/a£38.00

FIND YOUR HOLIDAY Arrow Bank Rockbridge

Serviced Grass (ehu) - 2025:
Price per pitch, per night
Arrow BankPearl LakeRockbridge
Low season£25.00n/a£25.00
Mid season£30.00n/a£30.00
High season£35.00n/a£35.00

FIND YOUR HOLIDAY Arrow Bank Rockbridge

Standard Camping - 2025:
Price per pitch, per night
Arrow BankPearl LakeRockbridge
Low season£22.00n/a£22.00
Mid season£26.00n/a£26.00
High season£32.00n/a£32.00

FIND YOUR HOLIDAY Arrow Bank Rockbridge

Please note extras to be charged for: 
Children under five years oldfree
Children 5 - 14 years old (per child, per night)£3.00
Extra persons, 15 years + (per person, per night)£6.00
Additional vehicles (per pitch, per night)£5.00
Dog (per dog, per night. No unsocial dogs. Max. 2 per pitch)£2.00
Extended stay (until 4.00pm) subject to availability£10.00
Day visitors (per person)£3.00
Golf at Pearl Lake (per day, pay and play)£12.00
Golf per week £48.00
Fishing at Pearl Lake (per day)£5.00
Fishing per week £22.00
Fishing at Arrow Bank - Jennifer's Pool (per day)£5.00

FIND YOUR HOLIDAY Arrow Bank Pearl Lake Rockbridge

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